Zürich business networking event for leadership coaches

Coaching Business Professionals:Transforming Difficult Conversations Into Leadership Lessons

When it comes to coaching business professionals, dealing with emotional challenges is a critical aspect of fostering strong, resilient leaders.



This topic matters even more when coaching business professionals and high performers because their ability to manage emotional challenges directly impacts their decision-making, team dynamics, and overall leadership effectiveness. 



Business professionals often face intense pressure and complex situations, making emotional resilience crucial for sustaining their success and well-being.



In this article we are going to explore the nature of these emotional challenges and see how we can transform them into growth opportunities. 

Table of Contents


Difficult Conversations & Emotional roller coasters at work and in business

You might have experienced one or more of the following situations : 

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by corporate politics or struggled with unresponsive or unmotivated team members? 

Maybe you’re in a business partnership or collaboration where expressing your honest opinion feels unsafe, or you find yourself avoiding conflict and negative emotions at all costs.

Do you get triggered by criticism or feel drained and unappreciated despite your best efforts? 

Perhaps you’re brimming with creative ideas but struggle to get the support you need from your team or clients. Are you stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing, always trying to keep everyone happy, or feeling like a middle manager caught between a disengaged team and an indifferent boss?

These are common challenges that many people face in the workplace, and they are central issues that clients often bring to coaches.

Understanding these situations is crucial not only for helping your clients but also for addressing them in your own professional life. 

As coaches, we need to recognize and manage our own emotional responses to better support our clients. 

By becoming aware of these dynamics, we can better navigate our relationships, enhance our coaching effectiveness, and help our clients transform their emotional struggles into opportunities for growth.

Why Emotions Matter in Business and Leadership

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of business, emotions  can either be your greatest ally or your biggest obstacle. 

Specially when it comes to leadership coaching for business professionals, understanding and navigating these emotional landscapes is essential. 

When you help your clients manage their emotions effectively, you empower them to become stronger leaders, better collaborators, and more resilient professionals.

When our emotions are regulated, we can make more mindful and empowered decisions. 

But when our sense of safety and survival is triggered, we are more likely to make fear based decisions such as : 

    • not investing in solutions that can transform our lives or business because the cost seems high

    • Reacting aggressively with a collaborator because of a small misunderstanding and making it impossible for them to continue working with us 

    • Micromanaging our team, never letting them the chance to make decisions and bruning ourselves out!

    • Saying yes to everything our clients and partners want , even when they have unrealistic expectations.

    • Never addressing our problems at their roots and escaping from difficult conversations

4 Sneaky Saboteurs That Block Your Growth

Deep within each of us lie untapped inner resources waiting to be unleashed—resources that can fuel our creativity, problem-solving abilities, and overall sense of ease.

But it’s hard to access those resources when we face uncertainty, feel stressed, under pressure, disconnected, disrespected or even when we feel our talents and abilities are not being appreciated by those around us.

When we feel triggered or stressed by any factors our survival response gets activated.

There are four key common survival responses humans often come up with when they are triggered:

Fight Response: Aggressive, pushy behavior, micromanaging, and trying to have full control; viewing others as competitors rather than collaborators.

Flight Response: Avoiding big investments or decisions, retreating into distractions or side projects to avoid addressing core issues in the business.

Freeze Response: Stagnation in business growth as the owner becomes stuck in a cycle of analysis paralysis and hesitation. It can even manifest in the form of illness (possibly due to high cortisol created from stress!).

Fawn Response: People-pleasing behavior or sacrificing one’s own needs to maintain harmony. Overextending to accommodate client demands or agreeing to unrealistic deadlines to avoid disappointing clients or losing business opportunities.

We develop these responses in our life journey, mostly in childhood to protect ourselves. 

They push us into unhealthy cycles and before you know it you start to buy into the illusion that you are stuck!

Can you recognize a pattern in yourself or in your clients?

In-Person Workshop In Zürich: Mastering Emotional Resilience

The idea of this business workshop in Switzerland came to Anisa and I earlier this year in one of our many conversations. 

If you want to learn more about the story behind the creation of this workshop, watch this Linkedin live replay we did earlier. 


We were talking about our own personal challenges and reflecting on the many stories we had heard from clients around similar challenges. 

So we decided to create an interactive workshop and run a discussion around the topic of emotional roller coasters at work and in business.

Business networking workshop for leadership coaches Zürich

Date: Friday : 26.07. 2024
Location: Talstrasse 9, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

This workshop was specifically designed for business professionals and  career, leadership, mindset and business coaches who are committed to helping their clients overcome emotional challenges and unlock their true potential.

We created an environment where coaches and other professionals can meet together!

In this interactive workshop, we explored:

    • Regulating the Nervous System: Discover how managing your nervous system can enhance your capacity to handle emotional challenges.

    • Identifying Triggers: Learn how to recognize your emotional triggers and understand your natural “fight, flight, fawn, freeze” responses.

    • Building Emotional Resilience: Develop strategies to transform emotional turbulence into leadership strength, enabling your clients to thrive in any business environment.

Our Guest Experts

We were thrilled to have three distinguished guest experts joining us:

    1. Sahar Gasgari-Luu: 

Diversity Coach, Intercultural Trainer, Communication Specialist and Speaker

Sahar shed light on how diversity-related issues can lead to workplace conflicts and provide strategies to foster a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.

    1. Simone Thommen 

Communication & Leadership Mentor, Executive Coach, Speaker

With Simone we discussed how poor communication and unresolved emotional issues can block career growth. Simone offered practical tips on improving communication skills and addressing these barriers to help your clients advance in their careers.

    1. Lira Low: 

Trauma Informed Conflict Resolution Expert & Mediator

Lira guided us on handling difficult conversations and making tough decisions. Lira’s insights equipped us with the tools to support our clients through the most challenging situations, ensuring they emerge stronger and more capable.

Zürich business networking event for leadership coaches
WOMEN NETWORKING ZURICH , Photo by Pupila Photography Basel

The success and learnings resulted from this event inspired us to continue the conversation. 

Every 1st Monday of the month we will be hosting an online group discussion and networking event for leaders, coaches and business professionals.