registration closes

August 28th


Attract your first or next 5 coaching clients in 2024

Without needing to post everyday on social media, have a massive following, Using my “Aligned Client Attraction™ ” Method!

This workshop is about those foundational pieces you need to have in place before posting on social media , taking a course about sales or growing your audience as leadership coach!

A practical business masterclass ideal for qualified leadership, business or career coaches

What You'll Learn In This Live Masterclass:

✅Reasons why so many coaches struggle with getting clients?

✅ 4 deadly business mistakes of the coaches 

✅The old way vs. the new way of attracting ready to invest coaching clients 

✅ The new unconventional approach to “ niching down” without the fear of missing out

✅4 key steps towards attracting and signing your perfect fit & ready to invest empowered clients & creating coaching income

✅ Marketing with empathy and authenticity in alignment with your values

⚠️Without these steps no content creation, social media strategy or SEO optimisation will lead to meaningful results in sales, if you want to know more join me live in this masterclass.

To start and grow a coaching business, you first need to get clients! BEing able to get clients = foundation

It sounds obvious, but most coaches and experts spend their time doing everything except signing clients:


Launching podcasts, perfecting their websites, writing books, jumping from one networking session to another, hoping something happens in the business..

And it doesn’t : because they are not attracting ready to buy clients, or if they do, they are not selling with heart!

And to fix this problem they go learn about selling models: following sales scripts, experimenting with existing selling strategies mostly suitable for agencies and non-coaching services. 

And those sales strategies don’t work : not only because they re not aligned with coaching services, but also because the foundations for successful selling is often missing in this new coaching businesses. 



They might get famous, build a following on social media and get a lot of engagement on their posts, but they are not able to sell their services.

So they go take a couple of sales courses, invest in sales templates, wonder if they need to use a script for selling…

and no, this doesn’t work either : because they are missing a foundational piece in the client creation process. 

Let’s just focus on this one problem and address it at its root so that you can grow that business with a solid foundation.

You think you have a sales problem:
You have a "business foundation" problem!

About your host:

Sara Mobarhanfard business coach for entrepreneurs - based in Switzerland - NAROSIBCOACHING

Hi, I’m Sara!

If you don’t know me,I am Sara Mobarhanfard, an ICF certified business coach & strategist who is on a mission to help other qualified experts launch and grow their businesses. 

And no: I am not one of those coaches who just know about coaching businesses : I have served over 130 entrepreneurs from all walks of lives in fashion, design, mental health, business consulting and art,launching and growing successful businesses.  

I have a BSc. in industrial engineering, a Master’s degree in Sales & Operations Management, a diploma in management and I am an ICF accredited coach

And I still continue to invest heavily in my personal and professional development!

When you work with me, you also access everything I have learned from those world class mentors and coaches I have worked with!

I have spent most of my career in the corporate world, managing complex operations and 7 figure portfolios for a premium brand and market leader in the construction industry.   

As an engineer I know how to put the different pieces of the “business puzzle” together and create a powerful system.

I am also an entrepreneur & founder of a luxury fashion brand.

And if you prefer to learn about growing a successful coaching business from a fellow certified coach like yourself , who has been there and made all the mistakes: I am there for you!

There are so many great business coaches out there, so why would you learn this from me?

  • Like you I am ICF accredited coach and learned the hard way that being able to coach powerfully is not enough for getting clients
  • Attracting and signing clients on a regular basis is my current reality, but by no means it came to me naturally. I struggled a lot, failed a lot and tried everything under the sky to finally find a solution for this problem! I totally get the emotional roller coaster, imposter syndrome and challenges that come with this specific problem
  • I have supported over 300 individuals and seen the behind the scene of +140 business.. I am well familiar with the root cause of the client generation challenges  in new coaching businesses
  • And finally there is nothing general about this masterclass: I talk specifically and detail about the unique challenges of attracting high caliber business professionals , coaching business professionals and growing a leadership, business, executive or career coaching business

This masterclass is perfect for you if

This is the feedback from previous students of this masterclass

💚“Thank you so much for such an insightful session I resonated with many of your topics and themes 👍”- Karen F, Burnout coach for executives


💚“Thank you, Sara! I am grateful to hear the things for a second time, each time your focus goes to a different place. I pick up this time do not have 6 weeks offer but solving a specific issue in 6 weeks”- Irena D, NeuroGraphica Instructor and Aesthetical Coach


💚”Your Masterclass has not only equipped me with valuable tools but also inspired a renewed sense of purpose in my work. I have taken the liberty of connecting with you on LinkedIn, and I am eager to explore opportunities for collaboration in the near future “- Nina. Leadership coach 


💚”Thank you, Sara! I am grateful to hear the things for a second time, each time your focus goes to a different place.”-Z. Leadership coach 


💚”Thanks again for your illuminating masterclass!”- Simona 


💚”I loved your session today. It was so refreshing and valuable compared to everything else I’ve experienced.”- Sarah Leadership coach, Author


💚”I am inspired by the amount of value you presented today.  I have been searching for someone with your skill set and your tenacity to detail.  Thank you for showing up and sharing your gifts with the world.  I am blessed to have found you today.  THANK YOU.”– Dr Jen , Intuitive Coach


live client attraction masterclass for leadership coaches
Client review for live masterclass