FAQ asked from transformational business coach_Sara Mobarhanfard. NAROSIB coaching

Frequently Asked Questions About Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs

Starting a business while maintaining a full-time job, can be a daunting.

Specially if you are a busy corporate women with entrepreneurial aspirations.  

Every week I meet new people who want to explore how it’s like to work with me.

In this blog I have listed those questions that repeatedly come up in those sessions.

Why do you have your own business coaching framework?

I help aspiring entrepreneurs create profitable passion business on the side of their full-time jobs.

My signature methodology is designed to simplify the process of starting and growing a business.

It allows individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, while maintaining their current lifestyle.

I believe that everyone has unique gifts, talents, and a zone of genius.

By tapping into these strengths, individuals can create wildly successful businesses and careers.

To learn more in depth about this method :

watch my side business masterclass or have a look at my signature program “Unique Business Blueprint

How can I create a simplified businesses without compromising my lifestyle?

I believe you can create a side businesses next to a job without sacrificing your current lifestyle.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are still working full-time jobs and have limited time to dedicate to their business ventures.

I help my clients identify the most effective and efficient ways to leverage their time and resources.

We start our work by defining their genius zone:

Where do clients show up at their best, deliver the best results and enjoy working?

We identify the skills that relate to your zone of genius and work on them.

It’s quicker to become better at what you are already good at!

This stage demand inner work, becoming aware of your thoughts, beliefs and fears. It demands identifying your values, your needs, your desires and your purpose in life.

Then we look into connecting your unique gifts and skills to those who want it :

your future clients and customers.

We identify their needs and desires and I help you create a product that connects you with your ideal customer.

We create a simple business model that makes this connection ideally possible.

We focus on creating systems, automating processes, and implementing strategies that maximise productivity and minimise unnecessary work.

We create an easily executable action plan using my “90 Day Growth System” .

This way you never lose focus and I show you how to run a business working only 5.5 hour a week.

Why did you become a business coach for entrepreneurs?

Freedom is my biggest purpose in life.

What is freedom for me?

Being able to be who you are as a person

Being able to express yourself as you desire is freedom in my view.

It’s our birth right.

But we often lose our right to freedom along the way of growing up. 

Everyone’s version of freedom is different and unique to them.

Entrepreneurship has the potential to create various forms of freedom for individuals.

It provides the opportunity to have control over one’s own time.

Entrepreneurs have the flexibility to design their own routines and set their own priorities.

They don’t need to worry about rigid work schedules and corporate structures!

Entrepreneurship offers financial freedom.

By building a successful business, individuals can generate multiple streams of income.

They can create wealth that goes beyond the limitations of a traditional job.

Ultimately, entrepreneurship empowers individuals to take ownership of their lives.

It helps them make decisions that align with their values.

Success story of a client “M”: Creating space for creativity and freedom

My client “M” came to me unhappy about how her full potential was not being seen in her corporate job. She was :

  • tired of commuting as her employer was 100 km far from her home.
  • being given boring administrative project management work that she didn’t enjoy doing.
  • creative with many ideas and her cushy job was not fulfilling.

Together we worked together on creating space in her life to start her dream side business.

She also managed to negotiate a new contract with her employer to work part time and more remote hours.

This way she has more time to dedicate to herself, her family and her side business.

We then worked together to grow her own business on the side. 

Success story of a client N : Creating significant growth in their passion-based business.

When “N” came to me I was amazed by her talent as a fine artist.

She has already shown her work in exhibitions and galleries.

A few loyal collectors who wanted to purchase her unique artworks. N was also an engineer with a full time job. 

She was great at dedicating a routine and time and space to her passion.

However she struggled with monetising her art.

Selling her art and calling it a business was a challenge. 

She didn’t like social media that much.

She also felt embarrassed of selling and promoting her art. “ I don’t want to annoy people with my marketing,” she said.

We looked into aligned ways for her to utilise her network .

She was able to bravely invite people to purchase her luxurious art work.

Everyday she did something that contributed to promoting her work and this commitment and consistency led to success.

Together we created a marketing campaign for her.

I was so proud of her when I heard about her first sales following!

Free Downloadable Cheatsheet by Sara Mobarhanfard business coach for entrepreneurs - based in Switzerland - NAROSIBCOACHING

How can a business coach help multi-passionate creatives transition out of the 9-5?

What sets these clients apart from other entrepreneurs is that they are highly educated, experienced and skilful.

They are busy individuals who pursue different interest and passions!

They have jobs that need their attention which means They have little time on hand!

And they are creative and multi passionate with so many ideas!

What would make the transition out of 9-5 possible? Their side business has to create enough reliable income to make this transition possible.

I help them create the foundations for a fully functioning business.

They master their time management skills so that they can run that business in only a few hours a week.

They learn how to step into their new identity as a business owner and CEO.

How to effectively manage time and balance the demands of a full-time job and a side business?

There is no one-size-fit all success strategy.

A strategy is only perfect when it is customised to the unique circumstances of a person.

The easiest way to optimise your time management is too look where you “waste” most of your time.

And as a business coach I have seen the behind the scenes of many businesses.

I believe lack of a plan is the biggest time waster.

Those who don’t have a plan spend hours on figuring out what to focus on .

To effectively manage time and balance the demands of a full-time job and a side business, it is crucial to prioritise and set clear goals.

Creating a schedule and adhering to it is essential, as it helps structure your time effectively.

Most tasks take longer than planned.

Because there is no clear goal or plan around that activity. 

Automation, delegation, and outsourcing can be utilised to offload non-core tasks and streamline processes.

How to overcome self-doubt and fear?

A key mindset shift to make is to be able to see yourself as an entrepreneur and business owner in charge of your own business.

If you don’t believe in yourself no-one else will!

Stepping into your own full power and ownership of your life and career is scary!

You need to focus less on what you need to do, and pay more attention to who you need to be.

I often invite my clients to an exercise where we unveil their common patterns and inherent programs that subconsciously gets in the way of their growth.

This will help to to see themselves from a different angle, activate their confidence and get ready to sep into their new identity as a true business owner.

Entrepreneurial mindset:Employee to Entrepreneur transition action plan- Free Downloadable Cheatsheet by Sara Mobarhanfard business coach for entrepreneurs - based in Switzerland - NAROSIBCOACHING

Low-Risk Strategies for Mastering the Employee-to-Entrepreneur Transition: Free Cheatsheet

Profitable side hustle ideas

I believe the success of the business is not about the business idea:

It is about how that idea aligns with one person’s purpose in life and how good they are at executing their idea. 

To turn an idea into a business there should be a clear connection to the market and the business owners should know their customer inside out. 

If you Google this term “profitable side hustle ideas” you will find yourself faced with hundreds of ideas. I have explored most of them and I am confident 90% of them are written by content creators who have never tried a single business idea. 

Most of this type of content generated by American sources talk about solutions that legally and culturally don’t function in Europe, UK or Switzerland.

Is passive income real?

Many of the ideas presented as “passive income” demand a lot of work and tied up capital. Passive income is an amazing concept which I personally incorporate in my life and business.

But it doesn’t exactly work as most people think.

Passive income needs work and attention! specially in the early days.

And it takes time and attention to setup passive income.

An online store, selling digital products has the potential to create passive income one day, can only become passive income if you invest in the right systems, team and have a clear strategy for marketing and selling.

I believe tapping into one’s unique gifts is the key to creating a unique, different business that works for them. 

For a complete list of FAQs about business coaching services have a look at this page.

Are you ready to step into the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable passion business alongside your full-time job? Download our free “Employee to Entrepreneur Cheatsheet” and gain access to a comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the transition, overcome challenges, and unleash your entrepreneurial potential. 

Start your journey today and embrace the fulfilling and empowering path of entrepreneurship!

Download the free “Employee to Entrepreneur Cheatsheet” to kickstart your journey towards building a profitable passion business: