How can Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs Overcome Self-Doubt Blog by NAROSIBCoaching .Sara Mobarhanfard Business Coach

Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs & Conquering Self-Doubt

As immigrant women, we bring a unique blend of talents, experiences, and perspectives to the entrepreneurial world.

However, we often face specific challenges that can hinder our journey towards business success.

In this blog post, I will explore the journey of immigrant women in entrepreneurship, discuss the likelihood of success, shed light on the burdens that lie ahead, and address the prevalent issue of imposter syndrome.

Embracing Entrepreneurship as Immigrant Women

If you don’t know me maybe have a look at this blog post I shared earlier about my own entrepreneurial journey as an expat and immigrant. 

Born and raised in Iran, I pursued my studies in Sweden.

Switzerland became my corporate career launchpad, integrating me into local life.

Fluent in the language, I’m deeply tied to the culture. Yet, I questioned ‘insider info,’ not being native-born, schooled, or corporate-connected.

I knew nobody among my connections who was an entrepreneur, let alone an immigrant entrepreneur.  

As immigrants, we choose to settle permanently in a new country, often seeking better opportunities and often starting from scratch. We face unique challenges due to cultural differences, language barriers, and a lack of pre-existing connections. 

As someone who originally comes from a troubled country in the middle east I often felt that my knowledge and experience is judged more harshly.

I often felt I had to over-perform and prove my existence.

In my early years in Switzerland as an immigrant I rather considered my immigrant background a burden than a positive force.

Later on I learned that despite these obstacles, our unique backgrounds and heritages can be powerful assets in entrepreneurship. By leveraging our diverse perspectives and embracing our heritage, we can overcome challenges and unleash our entrepreneurial spirit.

How can Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs Overcome Self-Doubt Blog by NAROSIBCoaching .Sara Mobarhanfard Business Coach

Immigrant Women and The Courage to Pursue Dreams 

Subheading: Challenging Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs

Launching a business can be daunting, especially for immigrant women who often battle with self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Many of us fear that we lack the insider information or strong connections that seem crucial for success. 

Did you know that according to this article on Harvard Business Review immigrants are more likely to be entrepreneurs? It seems recent research suggests that a propensity for risk-taking — may be a hidden driver among immigrants. Immigrants have already taken the risk to leave the familiar environments of their origin countries and they are more likely to take other risks in life: such as starting a new business! 

Female entrepreneurship is on the rise, and when it comes to the female immigrant population, they appear front and center in the trend

However, it’s essential to challenge these beliefs and recognize that our diverse perspectives and life experiences provide valuable insights that can set us apart in the business world.

By leveraging our unique backgrounds and embracing our heritage, we can overcome these fears.

And the best way to overcome fears is by connecting with like minded people and asking for feedback.

We often create a perception about the world in our minds which may not be based on true assumptions. We can develop beliefs that don’t serve us. Beliefs are what we assume to be true without questioning the reasons. A coach can help question our assumptions and develop more empowering beliefs.

The Burdens Ahead: Specific Challenges Faced by Immigrant Women  

Immigrant women encounter a set of challenges that are distinct from those faced by other entrepreneurs. Cultural expectations, societal norms, and gender biases can hinder our entrepreneurial pursuits. 

Balancing family responsibilities, navigating unfamiliar markets, and adapting to a new business environment are just a few hurdles we may encounter.

However, by acknowledging these challenges and seeking support networks and mentors, they can find the strength to overcome these obstacles and succeed on our entrepreneurial path.

Imposter Syndrome: Breaking Free from Self-Doubt  

Embracing Your Identity As an Immigrant Entrepreneur

Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon among immigrant women entrepreneurs.

The fear of not belonging or being perceived as an outsider can intensify self-doubt and hinder progress.

However, it’s important to remember that imposter syndrome is a shared experience, even among highly successful individuals. 

By reframing our mindset, celebrating our achievements, and seeking a supportive community, we can overcome imposter syndrome and step into our roles as confident, successful immigrant entrepreneurs.


In my masterclass I share my own journey as an immigrant entrepreneur, providing insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you overcome challenges,and launch your business confidently.

My big why and purpose that has shaped my whole business journey is rooted in my immigrant background and I talk about this in my masterclass. 

I also talk about the main reasons why smart entrepreneurs struggle to succeed ( despite their talent and experience) and show you the one thing you need to create unstoppable success. 

If this is something that resonates with you then watch the masterclass here!