Free Downloadable Cheatsheet by Sara Mobarhanfard business coach for entrepreneurs - based in Switzerland - NAROSIBCOACHING

Entrepreneurial Mindset: 4 Strategies for Taking the Leap

Are you dreaming of becoming your own boss and starting your own business? Then you need to start working on your entrepreneurial mindset.

If you’re currently an employee, you may feel like you have valuable skills and knowledge that you could use to create something of your own. However, making the transition from employee to founder or business owner can be daunting. 

Transitioning to entrepreneurship is not only about starting a new project: it’s about a shift in your identity and way of thinking.

In this blog I show you some tips and strategies to help you make the leap.

From wantrepreneur to entrepreneur

Do you have a brilliant business idea that you’ve been holding onto for years but never seem to take the first step towards making it a reality? You’re not alone.

As a business coach, I meet countless employees who aspire to be entrepreneurs but can’t seem to overcome their fears and start taking action. 

They spend hours listening to podcasts by successful entrepreneurs, daydreaming about being on those podcasts and having their own successful business one day. But, they never take the first step.

They stay stuck in the “ wantrepreneur” phase : Always wanting, desiring to start something that is close to their heart. But never actually doing anything about it.

The difference between an entrepreneur and a wantrepreneur is simple: 

Their mindset towards taking risks and willingness to learn and experiment.

1) Identify your Zone of Genius beyond Strengths and Weaknesses

Before you start a business, it’s important to take stock of your skills, strengths, and weaknesses.

You need to know what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. This will help you create a business that plays to your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses. 

However, a complex human being with emotions, dreams and desires to just strengths and weaknesses is simplistic. In reality you might have strengths in areas that don’t excite you. 

Or you might have weaknesses in areas you always loved to develop but never had the opportunity to.

Entrepreneurial Mindset and The Road to Mastery

It’s important to find an overlap between areas that bring you the utmost joy so that you have enough motivation to train yourself in those areas. This is how you become a master in something.

 Keep an open mind: If there is an area you are passionate about but don’t consider it as your strength, evaluate how you can train yourself to be better in that field. 

Take some time to reflect on what you’re passionate about, what you’re skilled at, and what you’d like to learn more about.

2) The big Leap : The Foundation of Entrepreneurial Mindset

One of the most valuable resources for those looking to identify their unique strengths and talents, is Gay Hendrick’s book :“The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level

It’s written for those who want to overcome their limiting beliefs, and achieve greater success and fulfillment in their lives.

Gay Hendricks aims to help readers identify and overcome their limiting beliefs and behaviors that prevent them from achieving their full potential.

He introduces the concept of the “Zone of Genius,” which is the highest level of personal and professional excellence one can achieve. 

According to Hendricks, everyone has a unique set of talents and skills that they excel in, and when they are able to fully utilize these abilities, they can achieve great success and satisfaction in their lives.

Hendricks also identifies the four main deep fears that prevent people from reaching their Zone of Genius: 

1)The fear of not being enough,

2)The fear of being a burden

3)The fear of outshining others

4)The fear of being disliked. 

He provides practical strategies and exercises to help readers overcome these fears and tap into their true potential.

3) Create a Support Network

Starting a business can be lonely, so it’s important to build a support network. Although friends and family can offer emotional support, they may not be qualified to give you business advice or refer clients or employees to you. 

They also may not be able to understand your unique context and daily challenges.

That’s why you need to be connected with other entrepreneurs, mentors, advisors, managers and coaches who can offer encouragement and inspiration. 

Having a support network can also help you stay accountable and motivated and decrease the chances of procrastination.

Check this article for suggestions on some of the memberships and support networks to join as entrepreneurs:


How To Become Self-employed In Switzerland : Business Resources For Women Entrepreneurs

4) Entrepreneurial Mindset is About Taking Action

Finally, the most important aspect of entrepreneurial mindset is the approach towards taking action.

Starting and growing a business is not always easy, and there will be challenges and setbacks along the way. It’s about stepping into uncharted territory and taking risks.

It’s by taking consistent action towards your goals, you can turn your dreams into reality.

transitioning from employee to entrepreneur can be challenging, but with the right mindset, strategies, and support, you can make it happen.

I have created a free cheat sheet that offers all of that!

Entrepreneurial mindset:Employee to Entrepreneur transition action plan

An Employee’s Guide to Starting a Successful Business: Free Cheat Sheet 

Are you an employee dreaming of becoming a successful entrepreneur? 

I have a  free cheat sheet for you that provides 10 key steps to turn your entrepreneurial dream into reality.

Free Cheat Sheet : Employee to Entrepreneur Action Plan

With this cheat sheet, you’ll learn how to define and refine your ‘why’, clarify your business idea, create a minimum viable product, and much more! You will quickly learn how to overcome your fears of starting your own business.

This guide aims to remove all the complexities from your transition journey and make it as simple as possible for you to start your own business.

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With this cheat sheet, you'll learn how to define and refine your "why", clarify your business idea, create a minimum viable product, and much more! 

This guide is designed to make your transition journey as simple and straightforward as possible. 

You'll quickly learn how to overcome your fears of starting your own business and get into action mode.

So why wait? 

Download our cheat sheet and start your journey towards entrepreneurial success today!