imposter syndrome- transformational mindset coaching by Sara Mobarhanfard business coach

The Hidden Barrier: How Imposter Syndrome Keeps Female Entrepreneurs from Reaching Their Full Potential

Imposter syndrome refers to a feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt.

This feeling can affect individuals, particularly those who are successful or high-achieving in their field. It is not a mental health condition

This term was brought up for the first time in a 1978 paper by Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes . This study was focused on high achieving women.

It’s a psychological phenomenon in which individuals doubt their abilities and accomplishments, and fear being exposed as a “fraud“.

Everyone experiences imposter syndrome

When I had just started my coaching business I was hoping to work with more empowered clients who wanted to achieve big goals.  

I talked to my own coaches, made changes in my business and increased the value of my services. Made changes in my marketing and message.

And highly successful leaders, ambitious women who were more experienced than me started to sign up and work with me. 

I always imagined I would be over the moon when this happens : but no!
​I got scared! Fear took over.

The first thought that came to my mind was : oh no , I am not as smart as they think… what if I can’t help them?
I got intimidated​​​ by my new clients’ success.

When you think you are not where you should be

I thought maybe I am not good enough for my highly successful clients? So how can I make myself enough? Maybe I should sign up for that MIT program about neuroscience and get their fancy diploma?or maybe I go for that leadership course from INSEAD?

I already have a collection of diplomas and degrees from respectable educational institutes​​. But in that moment they didn’t seem enough. 

My imposter triggered reaction is often acquiring a diploma​​​​. 
There is value in it, but my intuition tells me there is something unhealthy about my obsession with certificates and diplomas. 

​​I have promised myself to only sign up for a new educational program out of joy and thirst for learning. 
Not for the certificate to cover up my not enough-ness

Imposter syndrome can cause individuals doubt their abilities and accomplishments.

It leads one to believe that they are not as competent or capable as others may think.

This can be particularly common among female entrepreneurs.

Women are more likely to face societal stereotypes and biases that can make them doubt their abilities and qualifications.

Business women are constantly torn between gender roles, family life and career. 

Imposter syndrome can hold female entrepreneurs back in a number of ways:

When one underestimate their abilities and tends to downplay their accomplishments, they are less likely to pursue opportunities.

They might avoid taking risks .

To grow your business, sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone.

When you are overly critical of yourself, you might struggle to make decisions.

You might second-guess your own ideas and decisions.

And staying too long in “indecision” drains your energy and stops you from taking action.

Imposter syndrome can lead to perfectionism and a fear of failure.

Perfectionism is a common issue among business professional women. Women are often judged more harshly in the male dominated business world. But spending too much time and energy trying to achieve perfection is draining.

It can even lead to burnout and a lack of progress. It’s more practical to focus on what is most important for the businesses rather than how others judge.

Imposter syndrome can cause female entrepreneurs shy away from taking risks and pursuing new opportunities.

Women seem to care more about the consequences of filing or even being criticised. They deny themselves the opportunity to try new things.

Staying in constant state of fear and heavily focusing on security often stops women from seeing their full potential.

Additionally, imposter syndrome can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness among female entrepreneurs. When they doubt their own abilities and accomplishments, they may feel like they don’t belong in the entrepreneurial world.

This can make it harder for them to connect with other business owners and find support and guidance.

It is important for female entrepreneurs to recognize and overcome imposter syndrome in order to succeed in the business world.

Business coach for women entrepreneurs

How to beat imposter syndrome?

There are several steps you can take to overcome imposter syndrome and build confidence in your abilities as a female entrepreneur.

Recognise and acknowledge your feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.

The first step to overcoming imposter syndrome is to recognize and acknowledge that you are experiencing it. It is important to understand that imposter syndrome is a common experience, and that you are not alone in feeling this way.

Challenge your thoughts and beliefs.

Instead of allowing yourself to be consumed by self-doubt, try to reframe your thoughts in a more positive light. Ask yourself if there is evidence to support your negative beliefs, and if not, try to let them go.

Focus on your strengths,accomplishments and successes.

Make a list of your achievements and accomplishments, and remind yourself of all the things you have accomplished and the skills and abilities you possess. This can help you to feel more confident and capable.

Celebrate your successes

It is important to celebrate your successes and accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. This can help you to build confidence and to remind yourself of your worth and value as an entrepreneur.

Seek support and guidance from others

Talk to trusted friends, family members, or colleagues about your feelings of self-doubt. Imposter syndrome can make you feel isolated and alone, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. Ideally , consider hiring a qualified business coach. Accredited business and leadership coaches are often well trained about imposter syndrome. They may be able to provide encouragement and support, and help you to see things from a different perspective.

Practice self-care and self-compassion.

Take care of your physical and emotional well-being, and be kind and understanding with yourself. This can help to boost your confidence and reduce feelings of self-doubt.

Overcoming imposter syndrome requires patience and persistence

It may not happen overnight, but by practicing these tips and seeking support from others, you can start to overcome your feelings of self-doubt and move forward with confidence.

It is worth it in order to build confidence in your abilities and succeed as a female entrepreneur.

If you’re a woman entrepreneur, part-time with a side business or full-time, struggling with imposter syndrome, you don’t have to face it alone.

As a business coach, I can help you overcome this common yet damaging mental barrier and unlock your full potential as an entrepreneur.

Together, we can work on building your confidence, setting achievable goals, and creating a plan to achieve them.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your business journey and break free from the grip of imposter syndrome, contact me today to learn more about my coaching services and how I can support you on your path to success.

Apply for a free 60 min roadmap call with me and we can take it from there!

Sara Mobarhanfard business coach Switzerland