Unlocking the Growth Mindset:

Unlocking the Growth Mindset: Why Putting It into Practice is More Challenging Than It Seems

Mindset is a powerful concept that has the potential to influence how we approach challenges, setbacks, and even our own potential for success. 

It has become one of those buzzwords that we hear so frequently that we start to think less of their true meanings.

In this blog we go back to basics, investigate the true meaning of “mindset” and its role in ours personal and professional success.

What is a growth mindset?

Carol Dweck‘s book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” explores the idea of two different mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. 

According to Dweck, a scarcity mindset ( aka fixed mindset) is the belief that one’s intelligence and abilities are predetermined and cannot be changed, while a growth mindset is the belief that one’s intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication.

Dweck argues that those with a growth mindset are more likely to achieve success because they embrace challenges, persist in the face of obstacles, and see failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. On the other hand, those with a fixed mindset are more likely to give up in the face of challenges, avoid failure at all costs, and struggle to achieve their full potential.

Growth mindset is a way of thinking that takes us out of our comfort zone, and leads us to next level success.

Scarcity mindset on the other hand is deep rooted in the victim mentality. Scarcity mindset is the way of thinking/ behaving in a way that guarantees stability and survival.  

So as you see, We have two contradicting forces within us , one wants to keep us safe and one wants us to expand. That is why we sometimes struggle to adopt a growth mindset.

To become a successful entrepreneur you need to develop your growth mindset. Getting stuck in scarcity can keep you stuck and stagnated. If you agree, continue reading. 

Why developing a growth mindset is easier said than done?

Everytime you open your social media accounts you come across some nice quote inviting you to dream bigger. There is no shortage of affirmations and ideas about thinking bigger. 

But why is it so challenging to apply what seems easy and accessible?

Our mind often associates familiarity with safety.When you start to do things differently it challenges you. And a growth mindset is about stepping into unknown territory. 

That is why developing a growth mindset may not feel safe for our mind and nervous systems.

Especially if we are not used to this way of thinking and our education and upbringing was more inspired by the scarcity mindset.  

Developing a growth mindset can be easier said than done for several reasons:

1. Deeply ingrained beliefs

Our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves are often deeply ingrained, developed over years of upbringing and education. They are reinforced by the people and culture around us. Changing these beliefs requires a significant effort and persistence.

2. Fear of failure and judgement

A growth mindset requires embracing failures and seeing them as opportunities for growth. Most of us grow up in educational systems that reward us for good performance and punish us for failure. We develop survival patterns that protect us from punishment and push us towards rewards.

That is why it’s difficult to overcome this fear and adopt a more positive attitude towards setbacks.

3. Negative self-talk

Our internal dialogue can play a significant role in shaping our beliefs and attitudes. Negative self-talk can be a major barrier to developing a growth mindset, as it reinforces limiting beliefs and negative attitudes towards ourselves. 

4. Lack of support systems

I talked about the importance of building a support system in developing an entrepreneurial mindset in another blog. 

Developing a growth mindset can be challenging without the support of peers, mentors, or friends. If you are only surrounded by people who want to stop you from trying new things or working on your business ideas  you just add a new dimension to the  negative self talk we just talked about!

5. Difficulty in changing behaviour

Developing a growth mindset is not just about changing our beliefs, it also requires changing our behavior. It’s about developing empowering routines and habits. This can be a difficult and time-consuming process that requires consistent effort and practice. You need to develop new neural pathways to make these routines internalised and natural.

Leadership & Mindset coach for women in Switzerland

What does safety and security have to do with mindset?

Security is a basic human need. You probably know this from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

It is difficult to think freely and creatively when your safety needs are not addressed.

What I mean by safety is creating that source of nourishment and security in your body, not outside it. 

We have to remember that we are living creatures, humans with a fascinating built-in survival mechanism. 

We have to work together with our survival mechanism instead of fighting it.

When we address the topic of safety,when we redefine it in a way that supports us instead of getting in our way , we make it easier for ourselves to change. 

Our feeling of safety is directly related to how our basic needs are being met. 

If our body and mind feels that our survival, our basic needs are in danger, it’s going to intervene and it’s going to stop us from whatever new change we want to create in our lives. 

Neuroscience , the science of studying human behaviour and nervous system studies this phenomenon.

Entrepreneurs who continuously take risks and try new things start to feel “safe” by stepping into uncharted territory. Stepping out of their comfort zone becomes a habit for them. 

This is how a growth mindset becomes part of who they are.

Ready for a significant mindset shift?

Developing a growth mindset is a critical step towards achieving success and fulfilment in both personal and professional areas of our lives. While it may not be easy to adopt this perspective, the benefits of doing so are immeasurable. 

If you’re struggling to develop a growth mindset or feel that you could benefit from additional support, I invite you to book a call with me as your mindset coach

Together, we can work to identify your limiting beliefs and develop strategies to overcome them, paving the way for a brighter future full of possibilities. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards unlocking your potential – apply for a free 60 min roadmap call with me